Dr.Andrew Cort

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Books By Andrew Cort

All of my books are available online at Amazon, including Paperback and Kindle versions. “Create Yourself Anew” is also available as an Audiobook on Google Play and other Platforms


By CHOOSING Who and What YOU Prefer to Be in this Multiverse of ALL POSSIBILITIES There is nothing ‘wrong’ with you. But you must remember who you really are, and learn how to get what you want. This book is rich with Action Steps and Exercises, but don’t kid yourself: MINDSET always comes first. This book will shift your Mindset 180 degrees. A real shift in Mindset must be based on Truth. This book will tell you the truth about yourself and the world, truth that has been lost and forgotten even though it has always been right before your eyes, and then give you all the knowledge, tools and strategies to create the life of your dreams. (Available on Amazon as Paperback, Kindle, and Audible.)


The Restoration of Meaning in a World Overwhelmed by Commercialism, Scientism, and Fundamentalism (Winner of the 1st Place Gold 2017 Nautilus Book Award in the category ‘USA Spiritual Growth and Development’) This uplifting book has several related themes. First, it critiques many aspects of contemporary life that try to extinguish that radiant “gleam of light” (Emerson’s phrase) we all possess and turn us into powerless servants of the status quo: mindless conformity; excessive consumerism; disrespect for ourselves, others, and nature; and narrow-minded, fall-in-line thinking. The book then turns to the sanctity of the individual, the magnificence of life, and the unity and Oneness of all creation. In a time of so much anger, divisiveness and hate, it emphasizes love, compassion, creativity, dignity, thinking for oneself, standing up to power, and intuiting higher levels of life beyond what can be seen, heard, or touched, in order to transcend our limitations and discover our true place in this marvelous universe.


The 7 Steps of Spiritual Awakening in Myth and Scripture The door is always open. The light is always ready to receive us. But we have to learn how to tread the path. Fortunately, all the wonderful myths and legends of ancient Greece, as well as all the sacred and beautiful stories of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, have the common aim of showing us, through symbols and allegories, a practical method for reaching spiritual enlightenment, for returning ‘home’. THE DOOR IS OPEN describes the seven precise steps that are revealed in all great mythology and scripture, along with enjoyable and effective spiritual exercises and activities that are suitable for individual seekers or groups of friends working together.


Women of the Bible – The Psychological and Spiritual Meaning of Their Stories This is a book about the remarkable female characters in the Bible, and what each woman represents within our soul. It doesn’t talk about their stories as ‘literal history’. It talks about the inner psychological meaning. The Bible can be read as an allegorical, mythological description of the inner work the soul must do to rise from this lowly material state of being to a state of spiritual enlightenment. At every step along the path there is a necessary Feminine Principle as well as a Masculine Principle: e.g., Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Moses and Miriam, and in the New Testament version, Jesus and Mary. This is absolutely critical to the soul’s journey. In fact, without the help of the Sacred Feminine, attaining enlightenment is impossible! Without her, all spiritual evolution is impossible! She is the key to Creation and Return. Find out why.


Spiritual Awakening in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Stories Fed up with violence, hatred, and bigotry? In a world where religious differences often trigger hatred and violence, here is a book that celebrates the beauty, decency, wisdom and unity of all our traditions. When you unveil the inner symbolism of all the world’s great scriptures, you find that they are all reminding us that we are children of the same divine source and we are all here for the same reason; to experience life to its fullest, to love ourselves and each other unconditionally, to open our hearts and minds to the full splendor of the universe, and to awaken that spark of divinity within each one of us that can lift our soul back to that source in conscious communion.


The Longing of the Western Soul Morality, as secularists know, does not require a deity. Blind faith, as atheists know, often leads to hatred and violence. Taking myth and scripture as literal history, as scientists know, borders on the nonsensical. If religion is to be credible for modern sophisticated people, there has to be more. And there is! In LOVE, WISDOM AND GOD, Andrew Cort demonstrates that in their deepest and most important sense, myths are internal psychological stories. They weave the tale of a soul – your soul – that has descended into material life and must now do the necessary inner work to return ‘home’. The book includes astonishing new interpretations and insights into the legends of Greek Mythology, Adam and Eve, and the Eleusinian Mysteries.


A Brief Chronicle of the Kings, Empires. Legends and Ideas, that Paved the Way to Bethlehem In this comprehensive little book, Andrew Cort brings to life the history and legends of the twelve hundred amazing years between the conquering of the Promised Land and the birth of Jesus. It includes the stories of Saul, David, and Solomon, the building of the Temple and the origin of the Freemason legend, the fate of the Ten Lost Tribes, the miracles of Elijah, the Babylonian Exile, Queen Esther and the Purim Festival, the influence of Aristotle and Epicurus, Judah Maccabee and the story of Chanukah, the building of the second Temple, the canonization of the Hebrew Bible, Caesar and Cleopatra, the Roman oppression, the origins of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes, the birth of Jesus, plus much more.


Taking Responsibility for Ourselves and Our Planet In today’s world of stress, fast food, and polluted environments, few if any of us can claim to be in a state of perfect health. We are long past the initial stage of prevention – what we all need is healing. However, with a health care system geared to “curing” symptoms, we foster the dangerous illusion that we can keep doing everything wrong (to ourselves, to each other, and to the planet) and somehow get away with it. The result of this attitude and consequent lifestyle is that people are living longer but becoming less healthy. In an impassioned plea for quality of life and for the preservation of our natural environment, Dr. Cort presents an alternative view of healing as the “fusing together of an open, active mind; a strong, receptive body; and a compassionate, conciliating heart, for the extraordinary task of self-transformation and world-transformation.”


A Lovers’ Poetic Dialogue Think the Bible is stuffy? Solomon’s “Song of Songs”, which is found in the Hebrew Bible, is a beautiful, sacred and erotic masterpiece: from the courtship of the king and his betrothed, to the mystical wedding of Heaven and Earth, to the sweet, sensual pillow talk of all happy lovers. This adaptation, which holds closely to the original, is written as a poetic dialogue and is meant to be read out loud together.


Have You Ever Asked Yourself These Questions? "Will this ever go away? What's really wrong?" "My doctor says it's all in my head. Is it?" "Could it be genetic? Nothing can be done about DNA, right?" "What exactly is 'holistic healing'? Can it help? Could it hurt?" "What is 'energy healing'? Is this for real? Could this help me?" "What do my emotions have to do with anything? It's my Body that hurts!" "Can anything help me?" If you've had questions like these, this little book might help.

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I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude to Andrew for the amazing treatment he gave me on Friday. I had been in such pain after hurting myself, and the neurologists and orthopedists were limited to cortisone shots, surgery, and lots of ibuprofen in between. Well I’ve been able to do a full yoga routine this morning with no pain whatsoever!
Amazing Treatment
Thanks so much for your powerful healing hands! I could feel the energy inside me. Five Stars!
Five Stars
Andrew is a truly loving and magical being with potent healing abilities that will definitely help you. Highly recommended!
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