Instead of focusing on what’s wrong with other people, we need to throw our weight behind our nobler instincts and remember our own highest aspirations. This is the great human quest, the great ‘work of art’, more important than pyramids, sculptures or cathedrals: can we unite all the conflicting pieces of our confused, fragmented, inner life, to forge a free mind, a free heart, and a free will, reigniting our soul with passion and meaning, and be able to say with Emerson, “I Am”? At the same time, can we bring Eros back into our hearts, to help us unite all the broken and fragmented pieces of our outer lives, to heal the world with love, to expand our vision beyond ourselves and fully experience our Oneness with all of Creation?
What could possibly be more important, more meaningful, more magnificent, or more worthy of our brief time on Earth, than pursuing this quest?
I am confident that we can and will succeed. In fact, it is inevitable. Somewhere inside us there is a place that is ready to say ‘No’ to all the hatred, meaninglessness and cruelty, and ‘Yes’ to all the beauty and nobility of life.